P.O. Box 2743, Portland
OR 97208

COVID-19 Sanctuary Update: Caregivers and Face-masks

Our chimpanzees, like little Bouamir, have become accustomed to their caregivers wearing masks. When all the caregivers first donned masks, some of the chimps wanted to try them for themselves – just as some like to try on eye glasses or jewelry! Unfortunately, masks are in short supply at Sanaga-Yong, as in much of the world. There are no extras for the chimps to play with, and they’ve accepted that now. Our locked down caregivers aren’t wearing gloves, but we’ve set up extra hand-washing stations so that hands can be washed constantly.

We’re doing all in our power to keep our rescued chimpanzees and human staff/volunteers healthy.

Photo of Henriette and Bouamir courtesy of volunteer Francesca Jeffery

If you are able to donate, please visit our fundraising page to contribute to our #GivingTuesdayNow campaign: https://tinyurl.com/GivingTuesdayNow-SYCR

Thank you for your continued support! 🙏


Email: info@sanaga-yong.org
Phone: 971-544-7772
Address: P.O. Box 2743, Portland OR 97208

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