P.O. Box 2743, Portland
OR 97208

Volunteer Reflection by Nene Haggar

My experience at Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue was ineffable, but I hope to have done my best in conveying such an adventure. In the meantime- thank you Sanaga-Yong for the support, love and constant reminder about the most important things in life.

Nene observing at Jacky’s group, photo courtesy of Jane Sohlich
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COVID-19 Sanctuary Update: All-Star Volunteers

Our two volunteers at Sanaga-Yong during this challenging lockdown period are bright stars! Francesca Jeffery and Keiran Cash arrived in Cameroon from Australia on March 9th, days before Cameroon closed its borders, and we’re so lucky they got in.

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❤Adopt a Chimpanzee this Valentine’s Day ❤

Bouamir (left) & Tiki (right)
Photos courtesy of volunteer Nene Haggar & Director Sheri Speede

For Valentine’s Day, Bouamir & Tiki are Available for Adoption! You can adopt Bouamir and/or Tiki as a gift of love for yourself or a special someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2020.

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The Integration of Jack

In 2004, Jack was confiscated in the Cameroon town of Nanga Eboko, where he had been held as a “pet” for 3 years.  He was malnourished and small for his age, which we estimated to be 4 years, and he exhibited heart-wrenching stereotypical behavior. From a sitting position, he rocked back and forth constantly.

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Alpha Male Future Suffers Injuries but Survives as Leader

Future, A Popular Leader

Seventeen-year-old Future has been the alpha male of his social group of 19 rescued chimpanzees for about two years. Future is kind and brave. He enjoys a lot of support from a posse of males who always stand with him as he mediates conflict in the group. The females also love Future because he’s gentle with them, doesn’t steal their food and doesn’t let other males be mean to them.

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Four Lovely Females Chastise an Aggressive Male

Females in Future’s group have a good sense of justice and help keep peace. In a recent late afternoon altercation between adult males Simon and Bouboule, a group of four much smaller females showed their clout. After being in the forest all day, Simon attacked Bouboule near their satellite cage when alpha male Future and all the other males had already gone inside. It could have grown into a very nasty fight, except that Simon was caught by surprise when Leilah, Niete, Alice, and Lucy rushed from the forest to break it up. The females pounced on Simon, which seemed to injure his pride more than anything else, and immediately ended the fight between the two males.

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Email: info@sanaga-yong.org
Phone: 971-544-7772
Address: P.O. Box 2743, Portland OR 97208

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