Pronounced Lay-lah
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Estimated Birth – March 1998
Authorities with the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) confiscated two-year-old Leilah in the Cameroon city of Douala in February 2001. When Sanaga-Yong staff collected her from them, she was malnourished, dehydrated and emotionally traumatized. Officials either didn’t know or wouldn’t share details about her living conditions before the confiscation. With tender care and good nutrition, Leilah grew strong and was gradually joined by seven other babies who arrived during later months of 2001 and 2002. The only male among them was little Simon. They grew up together in the nursery until late 2004, when they were introduced to Jacky’s group of adults and older juveniles. Leilah thrived socially and became one of the highest ranking females in Sanaga-Yong’s largest group of chimpanzees. She has big ears, and visitors who don’t know her have said that her face looks mean, but the adjective doesn’t describe her character at all. While Leilah is a powerful female who exudes confidence, she is also sweet natured. She is very popular among the males, and because she is willing to offer support in conflicts, she is influential in the group. She also is close with all the females, who often greet her with hugs and enthusiasm after even short separations in the forest. Leilah engages in reciprocal grooming sessions with both male and female friends every day. She is happy to be groomed by caregivers too, but she rarely goes to any trouble to initiate interaction.