P.O. Box 2743, Portland
OR 97208


Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Estimated Birth – June 2001

In March 2002, Sanaga-Yong staff assisted authorities from the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) in their confiscation of nine-month-old Emma, who was tied behind a restaurant in the large Cameroon city of Douala. Judging by her relatively good health, she hadn’t been there for long, and it was unclear what the restaurant owners intended to do with her. At the sanctuary, Emma was soon introduced to other young infants in the nursery. For two years, a group of eight babies, including Emma, grew up together and spent lots of time in the forest under close supervision of caregivers. In 2004, they joined Jacky’s group of adults and older juveniles. The four gentle adults in this group – Jacky, Becky, Nama and Dorothy – welcomed and protected them all. (Dear adult male Pepe had died in 2003, so only four of the original five adults remained.) Now as an adult herself, Emma is not high ranking in the social group and tries to stay away from conflicts, but she enjoys close friendships with the females she’s known since infancy. She’s especially close to Leilah, Alice and Niete. All the females in the group stick together to defend each other against any bullying, so Emma is comfortable and usually relaxed. If she has a cut or scratch, she’s quick to present it to caregivers or the veterinary team, so they can flush it out with a betadine antiseptic solution. She’s smart and wants her wounds treated, and she also likes the taste of betadine!


Email: info@sanaga-yong.org
Phone: 971-544-7772
Address: P.O. Box 2743, Portland OR 97208

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